What is The Opt-in Page

A regular website page is aimed at presenting your business, activities, etc. The problem with the classic website page is that it is too extensive, it has a wealth of information about the company, about us, products, services, and more. The potential buyer gets easily lost on the page. Forgets what he visited it for and go to the next pages without buying or leaving an e-mail.

Do you remember old times? It’s like standing on the street, pushing flyers in hands of every passer-by. Most of them will throw it in the trash after a few steps, some will look at it politely. The few will keep them. And a very small percentage will call or buy. Let’s get back on the street and change the scenario. Instead of throwing a flyer at each passer-by, we now ask each one individually if he or she is interested in our product (cabinet, toy, computer, etc.). Most will say no, but some will say yes. Give those interested a flyer, a brief explanation, and if you are smart, ask for the contact.

Similar things are happening on the internet. People just walk around the internet, come across your site, maybe look at something interesting, and move on. They are already forgetting you in the next moment. It is awkward that they will remember you in a month or two or a year because they will need your product or service. Do you think they’ll find you again? Hardly. You are just one of many.This is where the Opt-in Page goes into action.It’s a simple page (commonly referred also as a “squeeze pages”) with no unnecessary information. You can see the title, subtitle, picture, or video, a brief explanation, and the ability to enter an email if the client is interested. That’s all. 

Over the years, however, various psychological approaches have developed on Opt-in pages. This is usually in the form of a free PDF book or video. The customer must enter an email to receive the gift.I personally do not use this, because I have noticed that the e-mail database is inflating with people who are not really interested in my subject. It was just a momentary excitement, and they are not responding to my e-mails. It is best to give the customer the opportunity to download the PDF for free without necessarily being in our database. Let them be in your database with an additional confirmation click. This way, your base will be smaller. However, most people will be interested in your product or service.

The so-called double-opt-in page is also relevant here. This means that the customer receives an e-mail in his inbox and has to confirm the subscription. If it is not confirmed, the system will ignore the email. This comes in handy to get rid of people who sign up with various fake e-mails or e-mails that they never look at (yahoo, etc.). They use them only for the purpose of obtaining free stuff.

A double opt-in page will reduce your enrollments even more, but it will be of better quality. Years before the Internet, the business of opt-in sites was played by a business card. You only gave it to those who were really interested in the subject. Many people made mistakes with the business cards because there was no explanation about the product or service on the business card. Usually only your name, business name, and phone. When you found your business card in your pocket after a year, you didn’t even know who it was. Result? Trash.

A business card is a small sales tool. If you continue to use them, put information about yourself and your business on the front page. On the last page, briefly indicate how you can help the customer. If possible, do not offer a product but a solution. NO water filters, but clean drinking water. As far as the op-tin site is concerned, the practice has shown that a white background with a product image and application form is still the best. However, it makes sense to do a split test and find out in your case what works best. Try different backgrounds. It can be different colors or different images. The pictures would be good if it makes sense with the theme. 

If you are offering a fitness product or pdf instructions, then is best to have a fitness picture background. But not necessarily. Test!In funnel2go this is easy. Make a basic variant. Clone it and put together a couple of other variants. Different backgrounds, application form on the left and right, address message, etc. Post and leave for a month or two. It just depends on how much traffic you have.Optin page, where there are just a few entries, simply turn off and continue with the others. Step by step you will get the opt-in page that works best for you. 

Don’t complicate. In practice, simple opt-in pages have proven to work best.Before you start to write a piece of ad copy for opt-in or landing page, build a firm picture of your reader in your mindThink of Your Target Reader. Holding that vision before you, list all the important points you would want to get across if you had the opportunity to speak directly with that person on a one-to-one basis.

Write them down, freely using the second person “you” form of address, with the very language you would use in conversation. Think in terms of interesting, exciting, involving, motivating, and persuading your reader. Appeal to emotions, capitalize on the news value of your offer (if it does contain newsworthiness), explain all benefits, add a testimonial or two if you feel these would help, and offer a guarantee.

Your advertisement (or email) is as much a real-life sales presentation that you would make to a prospective customer as if you were there in person.

A couple of ideas for headlines:
One of the best selling headlines of all time was Dale Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people” It was the third headline he tried.
-The headline on your pages is the ad for the ad
-What benefit does the headline offer the reader?
-Start with how “How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days”
-When writing headlines, stay under 15 words
Idea: Put headlines below the illustration
-Every headline should appeal to the reader’s self-interest
-Use people in the pictures.
-The hand or a person holding the book is better than just a picture of the book.
-Establishing line breaks between natural phrases will help a headline communicate more quickly

The headline on your pages could start with the question: Are you a back sufferer? Are you overweight Or a command: Be Your Own Boss!Quit Smoking! Of course, opt-in pages can also be upgraded with upselling.

 In our Funneltogo app, this is done with a few clicks. Upsell can significantly change the cost of your marketing campaign and increase your revenue.

Go and build your opt-in pages and have fun.I will make a special post about upselling.Let see some articles about opt-in pages: Marketing pages with the Opt-in formSo, let’s say a marketer is able to create a high-converting opt-in page.Now what?And why is it that a marketer would want customers to opt-in in the first place?

In order to understand an opt-in page, you first need a basic understanding of the email marketing process… Customers will start their journey by landing on some form of content that gives them the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter. Consider a blog that has a pop-up asking to sign up for a newsletter or an ad in the corner of a page for a “free” report… If the customer puts in their information during a pop-up, they have opted in. 

Essentially, the pop-up served as an opt-in page. Opt-in pages.If they are incentivized with a gift or a discounted item, the customer will click to receive that gift or discount. Once they have clicked, they will land on the opt-in page.It is here that the marketer will make a super simple, quick pitch. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy just some quick copy intended to excite the customer and get them to put in their email address.Once the email is captured, the customer will receive their “free” gift or discount (which will generally be received via an email).With a better understanding of what an opt-in page is, and why it’s so important, let’s take a look at how to actually get customers to sign up once they get to the opt-in page. Opt-in pages.Source page: lurn.comHow double opt-in page worksThe double opt-in process includes two steps. In step 1, a potential subscriber fills out and submits your online signup form. In step 2, they’ll receive a confirmation email and click a link to verify their email, which is added to your email list.Source page: mailchimp.com

What is the Opt-in form?Definition:An opt-in is a form of consent given by web users, acknowledging interest in a product or service and authorizing a third party to contact them with further information. “Opting in” generally refers to email communication and is often used in eCommerce for permission to send newsletters, product sales, and other marketing material to customers.

Opt-in forms can be presented to customers and visitors in a variety of ways:pop-up forms on the homepage or product pages, dedicated landing pages, and built-in widgets across an eCommerce website.Source page: bigcommerce.comHow to Create  High-Converting Opt-In PagesA great opt-in page for the top of your digital marketing funnel has all these key elements in place:Simple but concise words and design
-A compelling, experience-yielding offer
-An attention-grabbing headline
-Copy that further clarifies your offer
-A clear call to action on your optin

Let’s talk now about the seven factors or elements of a killer landing page that can be at the top of your digital marketing funnel earning you more subscribers and revenue than you’ve ever thought possible.Source page: milesbeckler.comLanding elements of the opt-in page?No exceptions, you absolutely must have:The headline: You’ve got to instantly catch attention with your headline.

The benefits: You’ve got to tell by teasing, usually with fascinating bullet points.
The call to action: You’ve got to expressly tell people to sign-up.
The opt-in form: You’ve got to have a way for them to sign-up.
You might also need number 5 … The Proof: In this case, proof should be of the social kind. The number of subscribers, subscriber testimonials, reviews and media mentions, etc.
Whether or not you need to add in proof depends on a number of criteria, including the strength of your brand and the traffic source.

For example, if you’re driving existing blog subscribers to a focused email list, your good reputation (hopefully) precedes you. If you’re using Google AdWords to drive traffic to your page, you likely have no reputation on your side and you’ll need everything you’ve got.

Source page: copyblogger.com

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